Impactful Resistance

Impactful Resistance

  Why resistance persists in the workplace… and why it might actually be good for companies!   Back in 2010 Professor David Courpasson of the OCE Research Center pointed out that, while Europe and the USA may not see so many mass demonstrations of it...
Are female senior managers really paid less?

Are female senior managers really paid less?

  Ask most UK business heads – or indeed anyone who reads the newspaper – whether women managers are paid equally to men, and you‘ll be told that the country’s much-discussed gender pay gap reaches right up to the top. But new research from Philipp Geiler  of...
Don’t speak like a chipmunk

Don’t speak like a chipmunk

  The way business people use their voices during high-level negotiations is critical to determining success. They could learn a lot from how military and police negotiators speak in extreme situations– such as during hostage negotiations, according to new...