Economics & Finance

EU-funded SMEs outperform their competitors

EU-funded SMEs outperform their competitors

A new research paper from Fabio Bertoni, professor of Finance at emlyon business school, joint with Anita Quas (University of Milan) and Massimo Colombo (Politecnico di Milano), shows that SMEs that receive funding from the EU through European Investment Fund (EIF) guaranteed loans, drastically outperform those that don’t.

Does being beautiful make you a more electable director?

Does being beautiful make you a more electable director?

Would George Clooney make a successful company director? Or, Angelina Jolie the best president? Or, maybe Brad Pitt the next CEO of a Fortune 500 company? Well, it certainly would fit a notion that has always been believed – the more attractive a person is, the more likely it is that their looks positively affect their professional career, and the more likely they are to be successful.

How financialisation has taken hold of companies and their subcontractors

How financialisation has taken hold of companies and their subcontractors

The 2008 financial crisis revealed the hegemony of financial logic in company management. This dominance is seen in the emphasis placed on shareholder value by top management and the proliferation of financial performance indicators (operating margin, return on investment, return on equity, etc.).

Entrepreneurs and the financial literacy timebomb

Entrepreneurs and the financial literacy timebomb

The world faces a problem – not enough of us are financially literate. This is an issue because the world is more financially complex than ever before and more and more of us are setting up businesses or operating as sole traders in the ‘gig economy’.